Monday, 24 March 2008
of broken collarbones and green umbrellas. ; 20:42
it's time to blog again after seeing that i haven't been blogging ever since i posted that poem about the people who flew. oh well, now i have so many things to blog about because so many things happened and i don't know where to start. (why do i have the feeling that my blogs posts always start this way?) okay i shall just start so i'll get started somewhere (:
thursday (20/03/08)it was community day, meaning i didn't have to wake up early. this was fortunate seeing that i slept at 430 the previous night (or morning or whatever). yay for enough sleep for once! i can never seem to get enough of it. but anyway, had to rush down to school at 12 plus to finish packing all the moor house shirts into classes. and trust me, packing according to sizes is confusing! but we finished and we managed to start on the banner (:
it was then when i had to rush off for community day! teaching softball to some guangyang primary students. i really didn't know what really to expect, how the kids would be like, what we would eventually be able to teach them and all. we waited for a long time and so i ended up throwing with jerome and nicholas. adn finally the students came on the bus. there were only 11 of them. honestly, i was quite shocked because under the context of community day, i thought that each project would be a wide scale one. one which would really satisfy the meaning of community we all had in mind. but we continued anyway. i thought it would be very important to bond with the children, so i tried as hard as i could even though i scarcely even knew them at all.
what i saw that day was another slice of innocence. or what it means to just enjoy a sport and play without pressure or expectation. to enjoy totally what we do to its fullest. to not be afriad to show true emotions. and that, to me, is what true innocence constitutes. it's all about being true to yourself and everybody else.
as the kids were spilt into two groups and taught how to bat and throw, i just sat next to them observing how they were reacting and responding. all the guys just made so much noise and each wanted to always be next to put on the softball glove and attempt a throw or a catch. it's not really surprising considering that it was probably the first time most of them even heard about softball. and it was very heartening to see them really wanting to learn and get a chance to play. the same thing could be said about their batting. i really feel all of them were trying to hit the ball as straight as possible and as hard as possible into the net which we set up for them.
then they had some mini-competition followed by a modified softball match between the two small teams. even though as they batted and fielded, they didn't really know much about how to actually play softball, they jus did what seemed most logical to them and tried to get the runner out. even when one guy forgot to run after he hit the ball, he just laughed when he realised and continued running, eventually scoring one run. and the amazing thing in it all is that they were actually trying to play competitively. they compared hits and how far they could go, they compared who could catch better to be the catcher. i really enjoyed watching them play. and even when i ggot whacked square in the stomach by one of the hyper guys making a wild swing with the bat, attempting to hit the ball away, it didn't seem as painful.
at the end of the day i asked one of the guys, "so did you enjoy yourself today?" he gave me a smile and replied, "no. can we play longer? i wanted to play longer, like 5 hours! and i want to be a catcher." well that really summed everything up. it's just the beauty in the game and the attitude. the willingness and the simplicity.
maybe we should all check ourselves?
but anyway, i rushed up to finish painting the moor banner after everything was over. and then had to rush home and rush again to dhoby ghaut to meet the 4K guys at 730. shoujian's birthday and we decided to go out (: met junyong with his super chio (okay maybe chio is the wrong word) outfit and we went over the plaza sing in search of shanzhi and co who were already there.
when all the 4K guys (plus an aarongoh) finally arrived, we trooped over to the fish and co glass building (which bytheway i find very chio also) to have dinner! thankfully they had a table for around 16 of us! and the best thing was, halfway aaron hatched this plan to hijack the live band's performance and sing a birthday song to shoujian. and so we did, rather successfully (: dinner was great cuz we could just laugh and joke around, have some fun and relax after a stressful first week of term 2 and chill. not to mention try to find shanzhi's veryveryvery small m2 card which he dropped from his phone. we were sitting on the 2nd floor and koonchong eventually found it on the first floor xD
and since weeping decided to have swordfish collar for dinner, we decided to make a parody of it. below are two broken bones from the remains of his dinner. "ouch, i broke my collarbone!" daniel says.
after dinner, we felt random and decided to walk all the way to cityhall, stopping by dhobyghaut to take some photos. and it was quite fun walking in a group at night! as we passed by the national museum, i tried to take a jumpshot of daniel jumping, which managed to turn out something like this:
we reached city hall and walked through raffles city before realising that it was getting last and we should go home. shoujian still wanted to walk to the top of raffles city and come back down again. haha i really love my class (: class spirit 100%. yay! so we all finally split up and went our ways. i reached home at about 1115.
friday (21/03/08)good friday! went to church in the morning and the drama team performed out skit (: i think it was not bad although everybody kept laughing all the time. and so everything was quite normal, until lunch! you see, we were at a coffeeshop in angmokio and it started to rain. as we were sitting on the outside and had very little protection from the rain, jeremy decided to do this:

i really couldn't help but take a photo of this. it's really such a jeremy moment xD
after that i was supposed to go back to school to train for soccer with 4K guys! turned out it was storming so i had to take 13 to bishan and get stranded at the bus stop. and to make matters worse, the 13 i was taking was leaking and flooding! so water was flowing in from the sides which was super scary! heh. thankfully i got to school in one piece and we got to play some soccer for the first time in a very long time.
i shall post about T&F (today) tomorrow.
tomorrow is inter-class so wish 4K luck.
i love 4K.
quote of the day:"i can easily outrun him. i was playing with him tomorrow." - k******* in reference to soccer.
check back tomorrow (:
Thursday, 20 March 2008
come to the egde ; ; 03:58
and to think i thought that posting yesterday morning at 3am was late already. look at the time now. sigh.
i have just finished conquering my literature anthology! yay finally! it was a very stressful process, finding all the stuff and all. but it is done now (: finished! (but i am sleepy now)
ms kuang showed us this poem/quote in class that day and i found it quite nice.
'Come to the edge,' He said. They said, 'We are afraid.' 'Come to the edge,' He said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.- Guillaume Apollinairei want to post more but it's so late and i am currently feeling very incoherent. thankfully i don't need to be in school until 2pm tomorrow for community day. can sleep in (:
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
i'm very cold now! ; 03:01
this post is such a late night whim. oh gosh, look at the time D:
sigh i really should be asleep now, but due to the huge amounts of homework i can't do that. i haven't even finished anthology ):
but well, i really really like this song after hearing it in cheryl's car on sunday (: it's really quite amazing!
Walking Her Home - Mark SchultzLooking back
He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
Her dad said son
Have her home on time
And promise me you’ll never leave her side
He took her to a show in town
And he was ten feet off the ground
He was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled it stole the breath right out of him
Down that old road
With the stars up above
He remembers where he was the night he fell in love
He was walking her home
Ten more years and a waiting room
At half past one
And the doctor said come in and meet your son
His knees went weak
When he saw his wife
She was smiling as she said he’s got your eyes
And as she slept he held her tight
His mind went back to that first night
He walked her through the best days of her life
Sixty years together and he never left her side
A nursing home
At eighty-five
And the doctor said it could be her last night
And the nurse said
Oh Should we tell him now
Or should he wait until the morning to find out
But when they checked her room that night
He was laying by her side
Oh he was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled when he said this is not the end
And just for a while they were eighteen
And she was still more beautiful to him than anything
He was walking her home
He was walking her home
Looking back He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
and oh yes, as the title of this post says, i AM very cold now!
Monday, 17 March 2008
get over it (yes i have) ; 20:56
sorry, the previous post was just too emo already. so i deleted it.
the recent post has been moved to my other blog:
thanks to people who cheered me up. i'm okay (:
Thursday, 13 March 2008
undo ; 18:14
it's not often i blog so early in the day. it's only a short post though, i might post later.
now, i just feel like this.
Undo - Rush of FoolsTurn me around pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, need Your help
I can't do this myself
You're the only one who can undo
What I've become
and to a certain extent, like this.Breathing - Lifehouse'Cause I am hanging on every word you say
And even if you don't want to speak tonight
That's alright, alright with me
'Cause I want nothing more than to sit
Outside your door and listen to you breathing
Is where I want to be
or not, maybe.i feel like such a fool to let my mind play with me this way.
i feel like i just might have lost that sanity.
i need someone to talk to, really talk to. please.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
frail insecurities ; 01:42
so the holidays have been going along quite well so far! i've been like out all the time, but at least i've got many things settled and all! so here's what been going on so far.
Monday (10/03)i woke up with a sudden jolt at 945. oops, i was meant to meet shoujian in school at 10. so i kinda rushed around for a while and finally got to school at around 1015. shoujian walked to school from his house -.- apparently, there was some traffic accident along thomson road near his house. we grabbed the jerseys from the prefects' room where shanzhi had dumped them, made a quick count and then lugged the entire thing to bishan library so we could study for a while.
while sitting in that small corner with shoujian, studying chinese and reading nice books about paris design and product design sketching, i saw so many random people! i think i saw DJ, i think i saw someone from ascension church, i saw gifford walk past me. sadly, i didn't call out to any of them except giff, who i randomly messaged xD oh, i met lawis too. had to quickly rush down to dhoby ghaut to meet zaki and sean soon after. zaki is very funny. this is how i got his jersey from him.
me to shoujian: where is zaki? he said he's at city hall.
-zaki appears, coming up the escalator-
me to zaki: hello zaki!
-zaki stops in front of the EZlink card gantry and say hello-
-zaki doesn't move-
me to zaki: are you coming out?
zaki: no -throws jersey over the EZlink card gantry-
-turns and walks back down to the platform-
so anyway, we meet with sean and go to eat at mos burger. soccer tatics are the topic of our discussion over lunch (: haha inter-class! i'm quite stressed over it! thom meets us later and all of us proceed to take the shuttle bus from plaza sing to redhill mrt. thom ate on the bus with 2 big "NO FOOD AND DRINK" signs in the front and promptly got scolded by the bus driver. it really took ages to reach redhill mrt, and when we did and were waiting at the bus stop for 33 to carry us to queensway shopping center, i noticed something about thom's shoes! i shall post a photo here the next time and see if you can guess what's wrong. but it was super funny (:
random things ensured at queensway. we managed to get the crests to be sewn on the jerseys. shoujian bought his predator soccer shoes. we walked around randomly looking at stuff. i bought my sneakers (: i am going to buy sports and soccer shoes soon. we ate laksa. we realised the con-people shop is gone already. we left in the rain to go back to school.
me and sean met jianxiong at rjc to run. i ran like 2.4km + 800m sprint the previous day so i was full of lactic. and it hurt alot kae! so i ended up running only like 2x300m and wlaking the last 100m of each 400m round. i've deproved, but not by that much. maybe if i wasn't so tired i could go faster (: we were all about to go home after that when we found a poor abandoned basketball in the court. so as most boys do, we started shooting hoops (: it started raining and jianxiong said it was very late, so we went home.
i waited ages for my bus to come.
omg, this is like some random narration of my life!
shall post tuesday's stuff with wednesday's stuff tomorrow!
Saturday, 8 March 2008
random postings at the start of the holidays ; 01:16
i'm sory i haven't posted for so long, i've been busy.
i've been putting together a veryvery long post for the past week.
i'm wondering if i should publish it.
i'm sorry if i haven't replied some messages.
it's becasue my phone seems to have a problem.
i hope it will be solved, soon.
i have lots of homework for the holidays.
i don't have lots of time to finish them.
i want to have some rest and not always work, and work.
i have lots of other stuff during the holidays too.
i have a rather packed holiday.
i still want to go out and have fun.
okay, if you thought that was a poem, it wasn't. the format is just pure randomness written at 1 plus am in the morning. i wish i could say the same for the content. unfortunately, the content is true. all of it. the holidays don't really seem like holidays anymore, except for the fact that i can wake up later and have more free time (: still, holidays are better than no holidays.
i have so much to say about this term and all it has brought, but i don't feel like typing long posts today. sorry, i'll do it another day soon kae? but in short, this term has really been one with so many ups and downs, peaks and low points, excitement and dread. it's been a crazy roller coaster ride which i didn't know when it would stop. it's been an experience though.
the holidays are starting and i'm looking for people to go random places with me!
who wants to go out to nice, sceneic places with me? places like esplanade, beaches and stuff! i want people to go with!and i need people to run with me too. and to train soccer. and to study with at random libraries. and to watch movie if i have time.
haha what a holiday. let's see how it turns out!
really, don't fall asleep on the floor (or the table) ;